Founded in 1975, CHMER EDM has been based onthe concepts of "Integrity; Growth; Customer Satisfaction; EmployeeSecurity" We have dedicated ourselves to advancing the technologyand the quality of the EDM industry in Taiwan and worldwide EDMmarket.
With almost 3 decades of EDM development and manufacturingexperience, CHMER and our affiliated companies are continuouslystriving to design and produce the finest quality EDM products.Through our in-house R&D department, we have developed ourhighly reliable and user friendly CNC controller and state-of-theart EDM power supplies. Through our in-house software department,we have developed EDM specific software to optimize the cuttingperformance between the power supply and controller plus provideuser specific software for special applications.
We will continue to develop international relationships with ourcustomer and venders to allow CHMER's Taiwan manufactured EDMs tobe among the highest quality, best performing and most reliableEDMs in the world market.
We will also work with our domestic industries to develop thesophisticated machinery automation systems to compete in the worldmarket.

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