Choose Your Poison 1.0 APK

Do you think you could tell the differencebetween colorful little pills and tasty candy? Could your 3-yearold?

Test your ability to identity all the medicines and potentialpoisons in this FREE and FUN game!

Poison exposure is the 2nd leading causes of injury to kids5-years old and younger. Common household products like medicinescan cause accidental poisonings.

Whether you are a parent, teacher, doctor, nurse, pharmacist,health care worker, or just interested in learning more aboutpoisonings, the FREE app is a great resource for you, your familyor organization.

The California Poison Control System is the largest provider offree, expert and confidential treatment advice & help in caseof poison exposure in the U.S.

We are available 24/7 for fast, free and expert help over thephone at 1-800-222-1222.

Quick facts

-We manage over 900 poison cases every day.

-We save California $70 million in health care costs and avert61,000 emergency room visits every year.

-51% of all poison exposures in the U.S. involve children underthe age of 5.

-94% of poison exposures occur in the home.

-78% of poison exposures are treated at home with help from ourhotline.

Did you swallow, breath in or spill something in your eyes or onyour skin that might be harmful?

Call California Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 anytime forfast, free, expert help that can save you a trip to the emergencyroom.

Part of the School of Pharmacy, Division of ClinicalPharmacy.

2011 Regents of the University of California; all photoscopyright Winokur Photography

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