CIA® Exam Prep 2017 Edition 1.0 APK

Do you really want to pass CIA examand/orexpand your knowledge & expertise effortlessly?

This best seller mobile app helps you archive your goal easilybythe following unique features:
- Break learning materials into small sets of practicequestions& terms
- Master each set effortlessly by many ways: flashcard,matchinggame, true/false, multiple choice
- Detect & separate automatically the mostdifficultquestions
- Track your learning process on every set and exam taken
- Ready for the Exam by Exam Simulator

Premium Features:
+) Lifetime access to all Practice Questions & Terms preparedbyEXPERTS for the most current exam.
+) Unlimited access to the EXAM BUILDER & SIMULATOR.
+) Automatically FILTER your most difficult questions.
+) PROGRESS TRACKING for every question & exam taken
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"Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification is offered bytheInstitute of Internal Auditors (IIA). The CIA designation istheonly certification for internal auditors that isrecognizedworldwide. Certification helps internal auditorsdemonstrate toemployers, peers and clients that they havesuccessfully achieveduniversal standards as set forth by theIIA.

Certification is granted following successful completion of theCIAfour-part exam. In addition to general CIA certification, IIAalsooffers specialty certifications, including Certification inControlSelf-Assessment (CCSA), Certified Government AuditingProfessional(CGAP) and Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA).Specialtyexams can be used in place of the general CIA exam’s partIV, orthey can be taken alone.

Each exam has its own experience requirements, which mustbeverified by past employers:

· CIA: Two years (24 months) of internal auditing experience
· CCSA: One year (12 months) of control-related experience, suchasauditing, environmental auditing, quality assurance orriskmanagement
· CGAP: Two years (24 months) of governmentauditingexperience
· CFSA: Two years (24 months) of financial servicesauditingexperience

Exam Content

The CIA exam includes four sections, each with 100multiple-choicequestions:

· Part I – The Internal Audit Activity's Role in Governance,Riskand Control

o Comply with the IIA’s Attribute Standards (comprises 15-25%ofthis section)

o Establish a Risk-based Plan to Determine the Priorities oftheInternal Audit Activity (15-25%)

o Understand the Internal Audit Activity's Role inOrganizationalGovernance (10-20%)

o Perform Other Internal Audit Roles andResponsibilities(0-10%)

o Governance, Risk, and Control Knowledge Elements (15-25%)

o Plan Engagements (15-25%)

· Part II – Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement

o Conduct Engagements (25-35%)
o Conduct Specific Engagements (25-35%)
o Monitor Engagement Outcomes (5-15%)
o Fraud Knowledge Elements (5-15%)
o Engagement Tools (15-25%)

Part III – Business Analysis and Information Technology

o Information Technology (30-40%)
o Business Processes (15-25%)
o Financial Accounting and Finance (15-25%)
o Managerial Accounting (10-20%)
o Regulatory, Legal and Economics (5-15%)

· Part IV – Business Management Skills

o Strategic Management (20-30%)

o Management Skills (20-30%)

This application is just an excellent tool for self-study andexampreparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by anytestingorganization, certificate, test name or trademark.

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