Class 4 Education App for School Students 1.4 APK

Hello Kids, welcome to our new android app - Class 4 Education.Thisapp is made for students of Class 4. This app contains 700Questionsrelated to Class 4 subjects such as Science, SST, Maths,English andComputer. More questions coming soon. How to Play Quiz:In thissection there are five subjects of Class 4- 1. Science, 2.SST, 3.Maths, 4. English and 5. Computer Topics covered under eachtopicsare given below- > Science Topics: Food, Digestion,OurEnvironment, Adaptation in Plants, Adaptation in Animals, AirWaterand Weather, Our Clothes, Force Work and Energy, TeethandMicrobes, How Plants Make Food, The Earth and the SolarSystem,Matter, Safety and First Aid, Reproduction in Animals. >SocialStudies Topics: India, The Northern Mountains, The NorthernPlains,Indian Desert, The Southern Plateau, The Coastal PlainsandIslands, The Climate of Our Country, Soils of India, ForestsofIndia, Our Water Wealth, Our Mineral Wealth and AgricultureandIndustries. > Mathematics Topics: Numbers, AdditionandSubtraction, Multiplication, Division, Factors andMultiples,Geometry, Metric Measures, Fractions, The Decimal System,Time andSymmetry and Pattern. > English Topics: Noun, Pronoun,Verbs,Adjectives, Articles, Adverbs, Prepositions and Kinds ofSentences.> Computer Topic: Computer Fundamental In everysubject thereare quiz levels. In each levels there are 10questions. Whileplaying quiz, a question will be displayed withfour options.Select the option which you think is the correctanswer. If youranswer is correct the option you selected will behighlighted withgreen colour. If it is wrong then it will behighlighted with redcolour and correct answer will be highlightedwith green colour.Attempt all the 10 questions. After attemptingall the questionsresult will be displayed. You must answer atleast8 questionscorrectly to move to the next level. *** There aredifferent lifelines which can use while playing quizzes. These are> 50-50: Itwill remove Two option out of Four. > Skipquestion: You canpass question. > Audience Poll: Use this optionto check otherusers answers. > Reset Timer: It will restart thetimer.Important Features: 1. Subject wise quiz questions. 2. Rightorwrong answer displayed instantly. 3. After 10th questionsresultare displayed. 4. You can generate a PDF files for all the10questions with right answers. 5. Monthly Leader board: You canseewho is the leading scorer for the month. 6. Play online quizBattlewith other users. How to play Battle Quiz: In this sectionyou canplay online quiz battle with other students of Class 4. Quizwillbe displayed similarly to as mentioned above. At the end of10thquestions winners will be declared. If you have any questionsorsuggestions to improve the app please share Enjoy this fun game and increaseyourknowledge in Class 4 subjects. If you like this quiz gamepleaserate us 5 star and share this app among your friends aswell.Thanks.

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