Colored Boxes Obsession 2 APK

GOT BORED!!!! Energize yourself . Enjoy oneofthe world’s most famous and classic game of Blocks popularlyknownas Tetris in new improved and revised form . Use yourinnovativeskills with the Colored Block puzzles and have fun whenyou go toarrange the Bricks .

Tap and Drag the blocks to arrange the blocks in Grid Boardandget scores the same old way by filling up the Rows as wellasColumns ; Dual scoring opportunity . Arrangement seems easy inthebeginning but as number of blocks increases , itdefinitelychallenges your skill . Continue your play unless you areout ofmove.

Easy to learn but you need some puzzle solving strategy tomasterthe game of legend . You will soon be in obsession with thegame andcan’t resist without playing it daily . Be the brainchildof the newstructures that you will be creating in the Grid Board.

Play to achieve personal high scores and celebrate as you flypassyour friends on the Leaderboard and finally get a top spot tobethe king of bricks .

* 10+ different block models to arrange that definitelywillchallenge your ability .
*Tap , Drag and Drop features with comfortable onefingeroperation.
*Suitable for all age groups .
*New eye catching looks and cool UI with colorful blocks toarrange.

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