Commons Order Paper 1.0.0 APK

Read the latest version of the House ofCommons Order Paper on your Android device with this app from theUK Parliament.

The House of Commons Order Paper is published each sitting dayand lists the business of the House and sittings in WestminsterHall. It also lists questions for oral or written answer that day,questions for written answer which have not previously appeared inprint, and certain other items such as notices of writtenstatements, committee notices, remaining orders and lists of futurebusiness.

- Summary agenda
- Business today
- Future business

-Designed specifically for Android devices
-Intuitive navigation
-Available to download as soon the order paper is published by theHouse of Commons
-Download each issue when you are online, then read offline
-Small file size means quick download time
-Adjust text size to your preference
-Search functionality to retrieve subjects of interest within theOrder Paper

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