Constitution of Afghanistan 1.1 APK

The Constitution of Afghanistan is thesupremelaw of the state Afghanistan, which serves as the legalframeworkbetween the Afghan government and the Afghan citizens.AlthoughAfghanistan (Afghan Empire) was made a state in 1747 byAhmad ShahDurrani, the earliest Afghan constitution was writtenduring thereign of Emir Abdur Rahman Khan in the 1890s followed bythe 1923version.
The current Afghan constitution was approved by the consensusinJanuary 2004 after the 2003 loya jirga. The Constitutionconsistsof 162 articles and was officially signed by Hamid KarzaionJanuary 26, 2004. It evolved out of the AfghanConstitutionCommission mandated by the Bonn Agreement. Theconstitutionprovides for an elected President and NationalAssembly. Thetransitional government of interim president HamidKarzai was putin place after the June 2002 loya jirga. The firstpresidentialelections after the new constitution was in effect,took place inOctober 2004, and Karzai was elected to a five-yearterm. The firstelections for the National Assembly were delayeduntil September2005.

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