Contact - Address Book & Chat 1.11 APK

Some things should stay up to date on their own. Now, they do.

Contact keeps you connected with your friends and family. Itsyncs phone numbers and email addresses of your most importantconnections in the cloud, and updates them if they change, themoment they change.

Is your contacts list not complete? Contacts makes awkwardlyasking friends and family members for new contact information athing of the past. Simply find your friends on Contact, and theirshared information will immediately be available to you once theyaccept your request.

Never worry about "I need your number" emails again. If youchange or lose your mobile device and don't have your contactsbacked up, simply re-download Contact, and your entire contactslist will still be there.

Tired of paying for SMS? Contact offers free text messagingbetween Contact users. Enjoy moments in life with the people youwish could be there with you no matter how far apart you are forfree! Contact's messaging service is reliable, fast, and fun!

Join your friends on Contact now, and experience the addressbook re-imagined.

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