Cube of Duty: Block Ops C10.2 APK

Dominate this vast dystopian 3D warzone. Cubeof Duty: Block Ops is a challenging FPS universe during a brutalworld invasion and you play as the hero. Hunt down enemies inheated head-to-head battles where there can be only one survivor.Smooth intuitive controls allow you to easily manipulate yourcharacter as you fight your way through the maps on your way toultimate victory. Obliterate your foes as you defend and shoot asyou navigate treacherous obstacles.

We are a new breed rising. We fight with fire in our eyes. We don'tfear anything. Because we've already lost everything...

It’s atmosphere destroyed, Earth’s population moved intocity-like towers that stretch miles into the sky, each with its owngovernment and set of social norms. You, a shortwave radiooperator, were living in the largest of these cities when ithappened. Listening to number stations from across the world, youcrack a hidden code that revealed a coming invasion. Taking thisinformation to the authorities, you alert them to the danger-- butit is not enough. The invasion of the Mecha was like none the worldhad experienced before, and thought you fought valiantly, theenemies were a plague on your city among others, and now what isleft of the world is a defeated mess of ruble. The land is rifewith the dead, dying and parts of the automation army. Survivorsgather to tend to the dying, among them, an advancedexperimentation scientist who collects the remains of the dead,gathers the living and in one last desperate attempt to standagainst their enemy, creates prototype soldiers with cyberneticenhancements. As the world rises to fight the invasion, yournumbers rank as one of the mighty. But is it enough to conquer overthe unstoppable Mecha?

Weak havoc in this intense adventure game that pits you against ahost of intelligent enemies who will stop at nothing to see youdead. This fight is a war for the ages and will test you in manyways. To get a head start on the battle raging, you will beprompted to collect your daily reward which is a power-up offeredin return for a short task. This prize will be yours until you dieas you run, jump, aim and shoot through the maps. The levelsfeature timers and count down the seconds you have to defeat allgiven enemies. If you are successful, a powerful permanent weaponwill be your just reward. If not, you may continue your quest, butat a disadvantage, so proceed with both caution and haste. The fateof this pixilated world rests squarely on your shoulders!

Game Features:
-Loading screen game tips
-Collect blocky weapons
-Game timers
-Hand-to-hand combat
-Map-style level select
-Successive levels to unlock
-Video ads save you
-Tougher challenges with enemies boasting higher damage
-Increased level difficulty

-Mecha humans
-Humans and Robots

Game Levels:
Level 1 - Dystopia
The City that was once a prosperous place is now a War Zone whereexplosive battles rage

Level 2 - Military base
The place where they test the Mecha before dispatching them forwar

Level 3 - Cargo ship
Holding where the Mecha soldiers are stored and being readied forthe next invasion

App Information