Customer Logistics Room 0.0.1 APK

Customer Logistics Room mobile app is oneofthe mobile applications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room(EMAR)from NCRTS (NCR Technosolutions). This app works with yourbackendSAP ECC system and can be connected very easily to your SAPECCsystem. To make this app work in an optimized manner certainSAPABAP enhancements / programs will be implemented in your SAPECCsystem.

With this app you can keep a track of the Order anddeliverysituation of your customers. You can list your favoritecustomersand can see the order situation in terms of New Orders,OpenOrders, and Blocked Orders. You can list the sales orders andviewthe details of the sales orders. You can also view thedeliveryschedule of one particular order in a calendar view and canalsoview the delivery schedule of all orders from aspecificcustomer.

With this app you can access these info anytime from anywhereandbe always prepared to provide accurate info to your customers.Thisapp will also let you follow up with the concerned people ifthereis any delay in order processing.
The Customer Logistics mobile application works in both smartphonesand tablets. To effectively use the app, you will need to bearegistered member in the Enterprise Mobile App Room.

Typical features include.
1. List your customers / favorite customers

2. View the Order and delivery situation summary

3. View details of a customer

4. View details of a specific Sales Order.

5. View the delivery schedule of all the line items of anorderin a calendar view

6. View the delivery schedule of all orders for aparticularcustomer.

7. Contact relevant person from the app itself to speedupthings.

8. No data is stored in the device.

9. SAP ECC login & connectivity set up required to usethisapp.

App Information