cython-doc 0.0.1 APK

The Cython programming language is a supersetof Python with a foreign function interface for invoking C/C++routines and the ability to declare the static type of subroutineparameters and results, local variables, and class attributes.[3]It actually is a Python to C source code translator that integrateswith the CPython interpreter on a low-level.

Cython is a compiled language that generates CPython extensionmodules. These extension modules can then be loaded and used byregular Python code using the import statement. Cython is writtenin Python and works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, producingsource files compatible with CPython 2.4 through 3.3.
It works by producing a standard Python module. The difference fromstandard Python behavior however, is that the original code of themodule is actually written in Python but is then translated into C.The resulting code is not completely independent, although it isfast, but rather makes many calls into the CPython interpreter andCPython standard libraries to preform actual work. This savedconsiderably on Cython's development time but requires a dependencyon the Python interpreter and standard library for themodule.
Despite the fact that most of the code is being output in C. Atleast a small stub loader written in interpreted Python is usuallyrequired (unless you want to create a loader in C, working withmessy undocumented internals of CPython), but this is not a majorproblem due to the dependency on the Python interpreter.
Hello World[edit]

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