Digital Punchcard 22 APK

Digital Punchcard is a location based timeattendance system. Administrator manages the system within the appand employees check-in and out with one button.

iOS Version:

Mobile first: The same app has 2 different modes which is usedby administrator and employee. There is no website required.Administrator
can add employees, create check-in locations and export csv reportsright from the app.

Ease-of-use: Employees only need to press one button to check-inand check-out their time and attendance.

Real Time: Administrators can view updated time attendancerecords as soon as the employee has check-in.

Secure: Employees can only checkin once they have reached thecheck-in locations.

Flexible: Multiple locations can be created if your company hasmultiple office sites.

Peace of mind: All data is saved on our enterprise grade cloudservers. Your data will be synchronous across all your devices andnever be lost.

App Information