DINC 2020 1.0 APK

We will host the 6th Dubai International NutritionConferenceon 22nd -24th October at the Rashid MedicalLibraryAuditorium, Dubai Health Authority. Keeping in mindsocialdistancing and safety rules, we will only be able toaccommodate alimited number of attendees at the LIVE event. Themeeting will bepresented in a HYBRID format incorporating livetransmissions. Wewill be able to seamlessly host all our attendeesand colleaguesnear and far away who are not be able to travel. Theywill be ableto attend the conference virtually by using a laptop,desktop or amobile. 
Interaction between speakers, sponsors andattendees willbe facilitated virtually via our platform and fromthe comfort& safety of your homes. 
We trust you will be ableto join usfor a fruitful and lively interaction either in person orremotely

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