Director Satellite dish 1.5.11 APK

director TV satellite, in azimuth, canbepretty difficult. Before you can find it with a compass you havetodo some calculations using GPS location, magneticvariation,compass azimuth and satellite azimuth.
Satellite Director replaces all of that. See tips to success below.

Get maximum signal from your satellite dish. With helpandsatellite Finder - simple but really powerful sat finder tool -itwould be piece of cake.

Sat Finder requires box with software, connected to LAN andwithWebInterface enabled.
Just let the Gps navigation inside your phone or enter yourGpsnavigation location, choose the preferred TV satellite andpointyour phone towards the sky to focus on (find) thetelevisionsatellite. You've found the satellite once the whitenedball isincorporated in the whitened circle and also the cyan ballisincorporated in the cyan circle. Align, in azimuth, the offsetarmfrom the satellite dish towards the cyan arrow around thephonesdisplay and also the satellite dish is aligned in azimuthusing thesatellite.

Unfortunatly you have to calibrate the compass beforeusingit.
Metal covers/cases or covers/cases with metal/magnetic closurewillinfluence/disrupt the compass of your phone or tablet. Do notusethese covers !! The compass of your phone can also getinaccuratebecause it is affected by other electro - magnetic fieldsorbecause it is weakened by age. Calibrating the compass may nothelpanymore.

How does it work ?
Just enable the GPS in your phone or enter your GPS location,selectthe desired TV satellite and point your phone to the sky totarget(find) the TV satellite. You have found the satellite whenthe whiteball is in the white circle and the cyan ball is in thecyan circle.Align, in azimuth, the offset arm of the satellitedish to the cyanarrow on the phones display and the satellite dishis aligned inazimuth with the satellite.
Selectable audio tone, camera preview, continuous mode (nopause),color pickers or a user defined satellite position may makeiteasier for you to find the desired TV satellite. The satellitelistcontains 280 satellites.
Optional you can take a photo (resized)/screenshot by touchingonthe director tab. The photo/screenshot is ONLY stored on thephonesmemory card.
Optional: you can get an indication when you are to close toiron(dish/pole) in the form of an green/yellow/red bar.

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