DIY Easter Crafts Design Ideas 1.0 APK

Fun DIY crafts for the kids
As Easter approaches you may be on a budget, which means thatyou'renot going to be able to go out and spend a fortune on thecraftsthat you might want to do on Easter. In this article I amgoing tocover some easy Easter crafts that you can do alone orwith yourkids.
One of the first and most known crafts is decorating eggs,howeveryou don't always have the time to go out and buy thenecessary dyesin order to do this. When you want to dye eggs butdon't have dye,you can always go and grab your kitchen's supply offood coloringand mix it with just enough water to dip the egg in.When you dothis and dip your egg in the colored water it will comeout thecolor of the food coloring, which allows you the same effectasexpensive dyes.
Some more easy craft ideas
Next on my list of things you can do for Easter without breakingthebank is a foam Easter rabbit plant stake. That maysoundcomplicated, but in all reality all you need is a jumbocraftstick, some craft foam, paper, scissors glue, a marker, and ifyouwant some paint. Now here's how to make the bunny:
1. First you paint the craft stick itself and let it dry.
2. Next draw a picture of a bunny on a piece of the foampaper.You're going to want to use the picture as a pattern to cuttheshapes out of it from the craft foam.
3. Next glue the pieces together.
4. After that cut a piece of the foam 4x1 ½ for the sign thatthebunny will be holding.
5. Next glue the feet to the bottom of the sign and craft stick,andvoila you now have a little bunny that you can put into apottedplant.
Fun crafts for the children
This is sure to be a hit with the children. Next on our listaresome of the games and activities you can do with Eastereggprintables. One of these such activities is the match game. Toplaythis game you print out two copies on to card stocks. Then youplaymemory with them, a card game in which you try to match onecardwith its equal by remembering where each card is located.
An all time favorite is the traditional Easter egg hunt. Thismaynot have the same allure as an Easter egg hunt with realEastereggs, but it's much less expensive and the printables don'tgiveoff the same smell that a real egg would if it isn't found.Theseare only a few of the many activities you can do if you're onabudget this Easter season, but given these tools and ideas I'msureyou can come up with a few of your own creative easy Eastercraftsto do with your children, or the children in your life.Rememberyou don't have to have a big budget to do these easyEastercrafts.
Edible Easter crafts are a fun activity for kids of all ages.TheseEaster recipes are a great way to spend some quality familytimetogether and satisfy everyone's sweet tooth. So get out theEastercandies, get ready to bake and let's make some edibleEastertreats.

Easter Craft Idea #1

Edible Easter crafts are always a favorite in our house. Not onlydowe have a blast making these items but eating them is just asmuchfun. One of our favorites is an edible bird's nest. This is afingerlicking good craft project for kids of all ages.

How to Make an Edible Birds Nest


Chocolate Cake Mix
Paper cup cake holders
Cup Cake Pan
Crumbly Chocolate Bars (like Butterfingers)
Easter Candy Eggs
Marshmallow Peeps


Bake the cupcakes as directed and let cool. Give each childacupcake, candy bars, Easter candy eggs, frosting and peeps.Havethe kids frost their cupcake and then add the crumbly chocolatebar(breaking into stick like pieces) around the outer edge to formthenest. Then add Easter egg candies and the marshmallow peeps.Thesecute nests are totally edible and will look great at yourEasterdinner table.

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