DIY Solar Power System : Prt 1 3.0 APK

Solar energy is a abundant free energy that is very muchunderestimated, it is a green source of energy that doe snotinvolve anypollution in its making. This Solar System App guidesyou throughthe effective ways of constructing an efficient solarpower panelthat is capable of supplying electricity to all theappliances inyour home (depending on the amount of sunlight youreceive). It ’ struly amazing how fast technology has advanced overthe years. Witheach passing year, things continue to advance at afaster rate.Still, with all of the progress we ’ ve made, it hasnot beenwithout cost. It seems that with each advancement we make alittleis taken away from our environment. When scientists likeBenFranklin, Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, and Thomas Edisonmadetheir contributions to the world of technology there wasliterallyno way for them to know the extent their discoverieswouldeventually reach. Over the years, because of theircontributions tothe world of science, nearly every life on theplanet has beenaffected by electricity. According to the WorldEnergy OutlookDatabase, 83% of the planet is now reliant onelectricity to getthrough their day. That leaves only about 1.2billion people stillin the dark but projected estimates show thatnumber is beingreduced each year by approximately 84 million. It isclear, thatelectricity has become a very important part of life forthe vastmajority of mankind. People rely on it to cook, to clean,fortransportation, and to control the temperature intheirenvironment. There is no question that the use of electricityhaswoven itself into the fabric of life in general. Unless you liveinsub-Saharan Africa or somewhere in the few remainingdevelopingcountries of the world, chances are you flip a switch inyour homeseveral times a day without giving it a second thought.However,electricity comes at a cost. In some areas it can be veryexpensiveto maintain, in others it has proven to be extremelydamaging tothe environment. Still, with careful research and studyone quicklylearns that it is not electricity itself that has beendamaging toour world; the power has been around for millennia. Whatposes athe real threat therefore is not electricity as much as themeansby which we acquire it. Up until the last few generations, thefuelfor electricity has come predominantly from fossil fuels, whichisavailable in limited supply. While it appears to be inabundantsupply, resources for fossil fuels are becoming moredifficult totap into. According to the site,estimates predictthat our current supply of fossil fuels will runout by 2088 andperhaps even sooner if the current and steadyincrease inproduction continues. This knowledge has caused many ofus to lookat alternative resources for harnessing the power ofelectricityand turning to solar power as an option. There are manyreasons whyyou might be considering setting up your own solar powersource butthe fact that you are shows that you are definitelyinterested inprotecting the environment and saving money. By thetime you finishthis DIY Solar Power System ebook you will have abasicunderstanding about what to do to get solar energy in yourhome oroffice. You will likely be surprised at how simple a projectit canbe, how affordable it actually is and all while loweringyourcarbon footprint in the process. This DIY Solar Power Systemebookwill be a valuable resource in guiding you through each stepneededto bring your home into the modern world of technologythroughsolar power.

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