DNS switch Fan edition DNSwitch APK

Changes the DNS server setting on rootedAndroid devices.
Activate 'set DNS' in the settings screen, enter your DNS serversand reconnect. That's it! :-)

Features in a nutshell:
( ) ad-free
( ) simple, clean interface
( ) works with mobile data, WiFi/WLAN, Bluetooth/USBtethering
( ) IPv6 support (work in progress)
( ) optional notification, needs no root:
-- network type (3G, WiFi, etc.) and DNS setting at connect
-- when data net connectivity has been lost
( ) root/su permission checker

Please post a quick review on the free version page if DNSwitchworks well!

This is the fan edition of DNSwitch. It is identical in function.It is here for those who ask about donating money or some way todisplay their appreciation of this effort. For further details anddescriptions please visit the page for the free edition simplynamed 'DNS switch'.

Thank you for supporting the author's effort having the DNS switchFan edition! As a bonus, a little secret is being revealed in theabout text. :-)

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