Doa Kristen - Penutup 1.0 APK

Kumpulan berbagai macam doa kini dapatdibacadi genggaman tangan anda.
Aplikasi Doa bermanfaat, gratis, dan tanpa iklan.

Berbagai Jenis Doa dapat anda baca dengan tema aplikasisesuaidengan warna favorit anda (Biru, Hitam, Hijau, dan Pink).

Kategori Doa yang tersedia:
- Doa Harian
- Doa Mingguan
- Doa Bulanan
- Doa Tahunan
- Doa Khusus
- Doa Gereja

A collection ofvariouskinds of prayer can now be read in the palm of yourhand.
Prayer app useful, for free and without ads.

Different Types of Prayer can be viewed with the theme oftheapplication according to your favorite color (Blue, Black,Green,and Pink).

Prayer categories are available:
- Daily Prayer
- Weekly Prayer
- Monthly Prayer
- Annual Prayer
- Special Prayer
- Prayer of the Church

App Information