Donation Crowdfunding 1.9.4 APK

Donation Crowdfunding software from Fundraising script.comenablesyou to set up an online portal or a personal crowdfundingplatformto attract pledges for your startup venture without losingtheownership of the venture either through our onlineCrowdfundingportal approach or under the Crowdfunding D I YApproach. With thehelp of this software, you can set up afull-fledged Donation-basedCrowdfunding platform that allowsindividuals, charities ororganizations to post social cause andinvite dinations from peopleonline in return in order to contributeand become part of socialcause/change. Such donation-basedcrowdfunding software is widelyused by startups to encourage peopleto donate money to supporttheir personal need, charity or for acause. Fundraising is arevolutionary and a recession free onlinebusiness, which assistusers to raise funds for their cause.

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