Dosmo-Share (en) 1.0 APK

* Help make our products even better. RateOur​​Dosmo-Share here on market * Dosmo-Share is the applicationthatthe busy family has always been missing! Dosmo-Share is ashoppinglist which is automatically updated on each familymember'ssmartphone. By this you can always be sure you buy thethings youare missing.
If your partner has already gone to the supermarked and younoticeyou are missing milk – with Dosmo-Share this is no problem.Youjust type 'milk' on your smartphone and within seconds itisvisible on the shopper's telephone.

Possibility to remove and add new items while you areshopping,and these changes are of course immediately visible oneach familymember's telephone - thereby several people can do theshopping,even in different shops. It won't get easier thanthis!

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