Dressage Caller Pro 1.0 APK

Dressage Caller Pro helps you learn yourdressage tests. You don't need to rely on a friend to call out themovements. Simply enter the test as text and let your phone'stext-to-speech facility prompt you at the right time. You separateeach movement with a punctuation character (e.g. a comma gives a 1second pause, a semi-colon pauses for 5 seconds etc.).

Import/Export facility makes it easy to share tests you havedesigned with your friends.

You can also use Dressage Caller for other activities, e.g.structuring a lungeing session to ensure you work equally on bothreins.

IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM DRESSAGE CALLER LITE - please exportyour existing tests then you can import them back into DressageCaller Pro.

We are happy to hear from our users, if you have suggestions forimprovements please use the "email developer" option in theapplication to contact us.

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