Egg 1.0.1 APK

Eggs, also known as eggs, are birds, reptilesand amphibians born, with hard shell eggs, fertilized afterhatching small animals for human consumption has been for thousandsof years. Eggs are protected by eggshells, while proteins and eggyolks are wrapped in a variety of films.
Egg yolks and whole eggs store large amounts of protein, cholineand other nutrients. Therefore, the US Department of Agriculturewill be the egg in the diet pyramid defined as meat.

The most commonly used human eggs are eggs (aka chicken), theother more common for eating eggs are duck eggs, quail eggs, gooseand so on.

The egg shell is round, a large, a small, about 11% of the totalegg volume of 11.5%. Eggshell can be divided into shell membrane,shell skin, air chamber. Egg shell is the main component of calciumcarbonate, accounting for about 91% of the total shell weight to95%. Its calcium-containing ingredients and pearls, oysters, bovinebones, small dried fish is the same, is a good source of calcium.In addition, eggshells still contain about 5% of the magnesiumcarbonate, and 2% of the calcium phosphate and glial.

Shell on the membrane: that is outside the eggshell, a layer ofopaque, no structure of the membrane; the role is to prevent theevaporation of eggs moisture.
Shell skin: the shell inside the film, a total of two; air canfreely through the membrane.
Air chamber: the gap between the two shells; if the gas inside theegg is lost, the chamber will continue to increase.

Protein is a semi-mobile crust material in the crust, accountingfor 57% -58.5% of the total egg volume. Protein contains about 12%protein, mainly protein. Protein also contains a certain amount ofriboflavin, niacin, biotin and calcium, phosphorus, iron and othersubstances. The temperature at which the protein condenses is about80 ° C. Protein and sub-concentrated protein, dilute protein.

Concentration: The protein near the egg yolk, the higherconcentration.
Dilute protein: part of the protein near the shell, theconcentration is more dilute.

Egg yolk mostly in the center of the protein, by the lace hangingin the poles. Egg yolk volume of about 30% to 32% of the whole egg,the main component of the material for the egg yolk phosphoprotein,the other fat content of 28.2%, fat and more lecithin in a class ofphospholipids. For human nutrition, egg yolk rich in vitamin A andvitamin D, and contains high iron, phosphorus, sulfur and calciumminerals. The egg yolk has a blastodisc. If the eggs arefertilized, about 21 days after the hatched chicks. The temperatureof egg yolk condensation is about 70 ° C.

The blastodisc is a white spot on the surface of the egg yolk.The blastodisc of the fertilized egg is about 3 mm in diameter andthe blastodisc of the unfertilized egg is smaller.

This is a very educational game, the egg is one of the very healthyfood, when you play this application, but also to understand theimportant value of eggs, as well as for us to grow the necessaryfood , We have to eat in addition to outside, but also tounderstand how the egg is generated, this game with education andthe merger of the application, just what you need, please hurry todownload and play, and all, there are special surprises preparedfor you It! . .

Play Description:
* Keep clicking the eggs
* Collect all the different images
* Get the best surprises

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