Enjoy sharing more than one thousand emojis by your favoritechatslike Whatsapp, telegram and much more. The functionalityit'spretty simple: - Navigate for each category until you seetheperfect emoji for share with your friends. - Tap these iconandchoose your favorite chat or social network - Share theemoticonwith your friend and enjoy! You can also add to yourfavorites theones you use more for quick and easy acces for yourpreferredemojis by tap and hold one element. The App include thefollowingcategories: - Emoticons, including persons and animals -Nature(animals, weather and more) - Objects (food, sports,tools...) -Places and Flags - Other (symbols, signs, icons, etc) -Favoritefor add your preferred emojis You can also upload thisfunnypictures to Facebook, Twitter or other social networks.