Epilepsy App 2.0.3 APK

The application is targeted towards peoplewhohave epilepsy. It can help users to organize their daily lifes.Itprovides with functionality of setting reminder fortakingmedicines, registering different types of seizures,takenmedicines, moods etc. It provides a simple and efficient waytotake control over all the registrations. Some clicks andautomatedservice will remind you about taking medicines, willinformcontact(s) person about a seizure by sending an SMS includingyourGPS location and much more.


This is a BETA version! We need your help to improve it !

The application “EpilepsyApp” is developed by AdiljanAbdurihimand Andrius Januska for bachelor thesis 2012, at GjøvikUniversityCollege.

It’s very important for us to get all kind of yourvaluablefeedback in order to improve EpilepsyApp! Please come withyoursuggestions for improvements or features that we mighthavemissed.

LOCATION & SMS: The GPS coordinates will be included into SMSifAlarm function is activated by user.

CONTACTS: Contacts used only for display. If you want toinformsomeone close about your seizure then you can choose themfrom yourcontacts.

VIBRATOR: If the sound is off reminder of medicine willusevibration.

SYSTEM TOOLS: The reminders set by you for medicine willbeactivated automatically when time comes.

INTERNET CONNECTION: Only if you need tips for epileptics tobedownloaded from external server.

STORAGE: The graphs can be exported to your local storage ifyouwish it.

Registration of seizures, medicines, comments, moodsandmenstruations.
Medicine reminder.
Alarm function that initiates SMS alert with GPS location if userdonot respond.
Data overview in Calendar and Today view.
Graphical representation of registered data.
Exporting graphical representation of data into HTML file.
Multilingual (current languages English and Norwegian)
Back-up of data.
Daily tips.(Internet should be on)
Taking image of medicine.
Slide with first help instructions under epileptic seizure.

Seizure detection.
More languages.
Better user interface.


App Information