factorit 2.0 APK

Here is the best tool for improving a student's skill at factoring.The app presents a target number to be factored, and the studentresponds by entering a prime factor (2, 3, 5, 7, 11) of thatnumber. For example, if the initial target number is 210 (2*3*5*7),and the user enters 5, the app will do the division and respondwith the partial factoring 42*5, and the user is prompted to entera factor of the new target, 42. The process repeats until theoriginal number (210 in this case) is completely factored. If, atany step, the user enters a number that is not a prime factor ofthe target number, an error is charged and the user is prompted tore-enter a correct factor. When the factoring is complete the appdisplays the number of errors. This automatic, real-time, scoringsaves the teacher, or tutor, the trouble of correcting theexercises, and provides the student with immediate feedback. A veryefficient process for all concerned. The app can be set up to run aspecified number of problems, and will keep a tally of the numberof errors. This automatic scoring saves the teacher, or tutor, alot of trouble. The other adjustable parameters are the number offactors in the original problem (2 through 5) and the maximum primefactor (5, 7, 11, or 13). The instructions give all the essentialtips to help the student find a factor correctly the first time(avoiding being charged with an error) without the bother of ashort division exercise to test it. Since the app does all thedivision, the student can concentrate on getting the factors. Thiswill sharpen his/her skills, even in the midst of all thedistractions that modern youth is subject to.

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