Factory Outlet Mall Finder US 3.0 APK

Going on a shopping trip? Want to know where the Factory OutletMalls / Stores are? This app will let you search for all theFactory Outlet Malls / Stores by State or even find the closeststores by your GPS location. Once you get the list of FactoryOutlet Malls / Stores you are also given the addresses and phonenumbers. One click buttons to phone the malls. One click buttons toget directions via google maps from your location.

The database currenty holds Factory Outlet Malls / Stores datafor all United States and some listing in Canada including...
Factory Outlet Malls / Stores in New York
Factory Outlet Malls / Stores in New Hampshire
Factory Outlet Malls / Stores in Florida
Factory Outlet Malls / Stores in COlorado
Factory Outlet Malls / Stores in Vermont
Factory Outlet Malls / Stores in California

and More .....

An outlet store or factory outlet is a brick and mortar oronline retail store in which manufacturers sell their stockdirectly to the public. Traditionally, a factory outlet was a storeattached to a factory or warehouse, sometimes allowing customers towatch the production process like in the original L.L. Bean store.In modern usage, outlet stores are typically manufacturer-brandedstores like Gap or Bon Worth grouped together in outlet malls. Theinvention of the factory outlet store is often credited to HaroldAlfond, founder of the Dexter Shoe Company.

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