Fair Electronics 1.2 APK

This application is part of a bachelorthesisproject at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts&Design. Its main focus is to encourage a discussion concerninghowelectronic products are produced, and what responsibilityconsumersor the industry should take.

The app is a way to show how the production process could bemuchmore transparent and that workers-rights could be takenintoconsideration a lot more than is done today. In order to demandadifference in how electronics are produced, consumers need tobeaware of the current situation. But I think that by also showingapossible future scenario people can feel more encouraged todemanda difference.


Karin Rubing

Concept creator and art direction: Karin Rubing,IndustrialDesign student at Konstfack

Development: Prosper Development

Graphic design: Frida Everling & Max Munck

App Information