fans 3.0 APK


Interested in knowing the secret language of fans? In seeingfanscreated by the most prestigious Spanish fashion designers?Thendon’t think twice! Download this app and you’ll discover thereisfar more behind a fan than you ever thought.

Part of the contents of ‘Fans’ is based on the ‘Fans byTopDesigners’ collection put out by Planeta DeAgostini. But thisappalso includes an exclusive section with videos that showthelanguage of fans, an almost secret code that at one timeenabledcouples or lovers to communicate with each other discreetlyinpublic. These codes, based on the movements of the fan, the wayofholding it and facial expressions, can convey messages thatstirpassion, leave the recipient cold or arrange a futuretryst.

What you will find in this app:

• Language
Learn to ‘speak’ with your fan. A selection of basic expressionsinconversations between lovers interpreted on video like ‘Iloveyou’, ‘I long to get married, ‘Do you love me?’, ‘I’mjealous’…

• Designers
Take a look at the exclusive fans created by top Spanishfashiondesigners like Roberto Verino, Hannibal Laguna, Agatha Ruizde laPrada, Victorio & Lucchino, Devota & Lomba, MiriamOcáriz,Juanjo Oliva, Lydia Delgado and many more.

• History of the Fan
This accessory has an age-old history. Egypt, Greece, Rome…thegreat cultures of antiquity used the fan on social occasions, asasign of distinction and also, of course, as a way of wardingoffthe heat and discouraging flies. This section of the app willshowyou how fans have evolved through time.

• Parts of the Fan
Find out in detail the names of each of the different partsthatmake up a fan.

• Manufacture
The process of creating and manufacturing fans is very diverse.Themost crafted ones include lavish fabrics and materials,evenjewelled touches.

Application developed by ADI for Planeta DeAgostini publishers.

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