Fantasy Mage - Defeat the evil 1.0 APK

Armies of skeletons has been spawned byamysterious power and is coming to a peaceful village to destroyit.As the village's only hope, you must defend the village fromtheinvading armies of hell.

"Fantasy Mage Is Sweet, and It Has Hats! Simple, accessible,yetchallenging and fairly deep, Fantasy Mage is a game to check outifSolomon’s Keep once was your kind of game. It’s in no wayrelatedto Solomon’s Keep, but sweet nonetheless." - PocketMeta

"Fantasy Mage is a sort of dual stick shooter that feels quiteabit like Nightcaster: Defeat the Darkness on the originalXbox.There is a core strategy in the game surroundingelementalweaknesses." -148Apps

When it comes to fantasy roleplaying games, little beats agoodold hack and slash title. What’s really cool, though, is whenagame makes you a combat mage, and all of your hacking andslashingis done using magic. This is where Fantasy Mage comes in."-AppAdvice

"Fantasy Mage is (what appears to be) an upcoming topdownshooter, with a fantasy spin to it. Tabbed as part Action-RPGandpart hack n' slash, players will be tasked with unleashingallsorts of wizardry an an unsuspecting army." -DroidGamers

“Fantasy Mage” is an action role-playing hack and slash games.Thegame is presented from a top-down view perspective. The playercanacquire loots, equip spells and armor, defeat enemies, and levelupto become a powerful mage.

In Fantasy Mage, the player controls the main character whichisa young mage to defeat an army of skeleton warriors thatareattacking the village. The game has 60 stages which in eachstage,player will have to defeat all the enemies in the stagebeforeunlocking the next stage.

At the end of each stage, player will be rewarded withrandomloots. Loots are categorized as normal, rare andlegendaryaccording to the uniqueness of the loots. Loots can behats, robes,boots or spells. After acquiring the loots, player canchoose toequip them.

One of interesting features in Fantasy Mage is the elementtypes.Each enemies has different element whether it’s water, fire,orearth element. Each elements has its own strength andweakness.Player will have to figure out which items is best suitedto defeata certain kind of enemy.

Cast elemental spells such as fireball, earthball, andwaterball.Elemental spells can only damage a specific elementalenemy. Usedifferent strategies to defeat a certain enemy. Forexample if youencountered a fire element skeleton, its best todamage him usingwater spells.

Find endless possibility of loots. Customize your characterwithdifferent sets of items to defeat different kind ofenemies.

Each level consist of enemies with different element andstrengths.Identify enemy's element and weakness and thenstrategically equipitems to defeat them.

Equip and customize 3 loadouts which can be changed on thefly.Making it easy to change strategy against different kindofenemies. Each loadout can be customized to equipdifferentspells.

Identify enemy's strength and weakness and exploit them. Withtheright item, exploit enemy's defense, or burn it with burningstatusthat deal damage over time, or knock them back with kineticspell,stun, or slow their movement. If an enemy attacks too fast,slow itdown or even freeze them. There are many ways to defeatanenemy.

Combat in Fantasy Mage is simplified so that the player can focusondealing damage and manipulating the enemies. Just select anenemyand then the character will lock-fire on it until it dies oryouchanged target. now you can focus on dodging spells andfiguring outthe enemy's weakness.

For this is a premium / paymium game, there is no iap ever inthegame. you get what you paid for.

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