Fast Battery Charger 1.0 APK

Now a day its common issue among all smart phone users that theirbattery get down very fast due to the use of internet. EspeciallyData connection like 3G and 4G reduces the battery very quickly.Users also don’t have much time to charge their device becausenormal charging always take a lot of time to get your mobile fullycharged. Users always looking for some positive solution which cancharge their device quickly. No need to worry, Mobile Tools Shop(MTS) team is always there to bring the solutions of your problems.We are now presenting the Fast Batter Charger application which isa complete battery Charger for your android device. Fast BatteryCharger will automatically kill all the high battery consumptionapplications Like Wi-Fi, GPS, Mobile Data, Bluetooth and Screenbrightness. This application also kills all application running inbackground to charge the battery very fast. If your device getscharged in 3 hours before, now you can charge it just half time.This application not only charge you device quickly but alsoincrease the device battery life and performance. We made thisapplication more users friendly so that user can easily operate it.How to use Talking Battery Doctor application: > Just install iton your device. > Click the start button and it will take you tothe charging screen. > On the charging screen click the Enablebutton to start charging. Your charger must be plugged in. > Onthe charging screen there are different options available to enableor disable Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, Mobile Data and ScreenBrightness. When its green it will be enabled. > Also you cansee the battery status while fast charging on this charging screen.This is very useful utility application for the android users.Share it with your friends and family. Also please contact us ifyou face any issue while using it or you have any suggestion tomake it more useful. You are always welcome by MTS team.

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