FishNet Fishing Journal 1.4.4 APK

As a first of its kind, FishNet FishingJournal offers widget-based access for quickly logging catches.This app places a priority on quickly logging catches so you canspend more time fishing!

** Long press on home screen to install widget **

FishNet Fishing Journal has several innovative features:

Home Screen Widget

Two widget sizes are available (4x3 and 1x1).

Fish Counts

The widget displays a count of your total number of fish logged.The count updates based on the filter you have applied.

Filtering System

Innovative filtering system allows you to filter fish based onmany different factors (Fish type, place caught, technique used,and date parameters).

Defining Fishing Places

Places allow you to set up places that you fish. The zoom levelthat you set works with the filter so that when you filter by aplace (such as Patoka Lake for instance), that it will include onlyfish that have a GPS location within that recorded view. This isincredibly useful for displaying how many fish you have caught at aparticular place and displaying this information on a map. Settingup places also allows you to quickly access weather for the fishingplace.

Innovative Mapping

Map clustering through the mapping feature clusters catchestogether in a single marker when catches are near each other. Itwill put a count of the catches on the cluster marker. Simply clickon the cluster to zoom in and see exactly where the fish were.

My Live Well

The Live Well displays detailed information on your catches. Ifunfiltered, it will show all your catches. If filtered (byLargemouth Bass for instance), it will display only the fish thatmeet the filter criteria. The Live Well allows you to perform manyfunctions.

Photo Album

The Photo Album is also innovative in that it categorizes fishby fish type and only includes fish based on your filter. So, ifyou want to look at pictures of Largemouth Bass that you caught atPatoka Lake in the last 3 days, simply apply this filter and openthe photo album! If unfiltered, you can get a quick count of allthe different types of fish you have caught by simply opening thephoto album.


You can quickly access current weather conditions and forecaststhrough the National Weather Service through the widget.Additionally, you can quickly choose any of your fishing places toget the weather at that location.

App Information