Five Times 1.2 APK

This is a wallpaper for Kustom.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!

Instructions :

- set 2 pages on your launcher

to run the component historical temperatures (Temperatura Max->Temperatura5d and Temperatura Main -> Temperatura5dmin) setin 2component yuour city and your country as : ex. city:Milan,country: IT.

In Five Times wallpaper:

- The icon change accordind to the time (5 times)
- Elegant icons Bicolor by me
- Temperature indicator uohill/downhill
- Historical minumum and maximum temperature in the 5previousdays

This is a wallpaperforKustom.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!


- September 2 pages on your launcher

to run the historical component temperatures (Max Temperature->Temperatura5d and Temperature Main -> Temperatura5dmin)sets 2component yuour city and your country as: ex. city: Milan,country:IT.

In Five Times wallpaper:

- The icon accordind change to the time (5 times)
- Elegant icons Bicolor by me
- Temperature indicator uohill / downhill
- Historical minumum and maximum temperature in the previous5days

App Information