FiVo Film 1.5 APK

Use FiVo Film App to instantly and securelyrecord police misconduct any time you witness it. As you record,your video instantly saves to your phone and uploads to your freeDropbox account.

If police see you filming their misconduct, they may attempt toconfiscate your phone to erase the video. Some officers may evendestroy your phone. Instead of fighting back and being arrested forsimply trying to protect your video, you can sit back and resteasy, knowing that a copy of your video was already instantlyuploaded to your free Dropbox account as you recorded it. That’sthe magic of FiVo Film App. To retrieve your FiVo Film App video,simply log into your free Dropbox account. Use Dropbox’s “share”feature to email this video to your lawyer or other interestedparties

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