FlipVoca(플립보카) - 공무원 시험 필수 어휘 1.0.1 APK

FlipVoca(플립보카) - 공무원 시험 필수 어휘 7600

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객관식 테스트 - 주어진 뜻에 맞는 단어를 객관식으로 선택하는 테스트 모드
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서울특별시 노원구 공릉로232 서울테크노파크 410호

FlipVoca (flip Boca) -mandatory civil service exam vocabulary 7600

It has launched a carefully selected words that are often onlyin the civil service exam questions.

"5 minutes 10 times a day!"
'Steady repeated only way to conquer the vocabulary learning"
'The check their study information, planning and systematic wordstudy goals'
"Flipping the cards to learn the meaning of the flip form,improving speaking skills through a pronunciation test '

You can learn a variety of vocabulary learning mode and testmode.

Card Learning - Learning mode that seemed to flip a card to flipreal UX
Sound Learning - Turn off the screen to learn the meaning andpronunciation of the vocabulary with sound mode
Multiple choice test - a test mode is selected for a given meaningto the word-choice
Spelling tests - Test mode to complete the look for spelling wordsfit in the space
Pronunciation test - the pronunciation of a word given to test theaccuracy mode

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