Flock-Mapping NYC Subways APK

Don’t you hate it when you get lost in subwaystations or worse, the exit you want to take is on the farthest endof the station. Well, those days will be long gone because we havefound a solution.
After months of tireless development and data collection, ouramazing user friendly app is almost ready. With our app "Flock" youwill know which car you should be in for the closest and mostconvenient exit (along with elevators and escalators). It alsonavigates you to the nearest entrance when you are lost in placeslike Times Square (WOO HOOO!!!!).
With our elevator and escalator information, we are also helpingelderly and physically disabled people to travel the MTA subwaywithout any hassles or fear. They would the exact car and locationof the elevator or escalator.
We have amazing features lined up to offer in our later versions,and we promise, we won’t let you down.

COVERAGE: USA: New York City (4 boroughs)

What’s New:

1) OFFLINE NAVIGATION!!! YES, you can now navigate in theairplane mode, anywhere using the subways. We also provide you withthe subway map

2) Improved UI. Using Google Material Design, we came up with abetter design for the app and updated according to Marshmallow.

3) Get to know your speed, whether walking, running, driving orin the subways.

App Information