Free Wifi Internet Auto Off 1.3.3 APK

Free Wifi Internet Auto Off is the besttoolthat helps you control your connectivity to yourAndroidsmartphone, with to much options from time controlling,automaticshutdown the WiFi network, turn on or Auto Off the FreeWiFiinternet and a lot of things that will let you discover itbyyourself.

If your battery in the device becomes exhausted quickly aspossible,that the cause is the WiFi module.
The device uses a battery to maintain the connection over WiFievenwhen the screen is off.
This application is best suited to automatically turn on FreeWiFiwhen the screen is unlocked
and turn Auto Off WiFi when the screen is locked.

This simple app can help you increase the standby time ofyourdevice: WiFi internet Automatic automatically disable yourWiFiradio when you don’t need it and thereby lowers thebatteryconsumption. You can also specify to automatically turn onFreeWiFi again, if you turn on your device or when you enteraspecified location (requires a cell radio and therefore doesnotwork on WiFi-only tablets!).

You can also specify to automatically turn on or Auto OffWiFiagain, if you turn on your device or when you enter aspecifiedlocation (requires a cell radio and therefore does notwork onWiFi-only tablets!). Also, the app can regularly scan foravailablenetworks to connect to and re-disable WiFi internet if nosuitablenetwork is found. This way, you are always connected toyour FreeWiFi network when using the device.

Also, the app can regularly scan for available networks toconnectto and re-disable WiFi if no suitable network is found. Thisway,you are always connected to your WiFi Auto Off internetnetworkwhen using the device.

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