Full Metal : Alchemy Fighting 2 APK

Full Metal : Alchemy Fighting is a retellingofthe story based off the manga, and is not directly related tothefirst Full Metal series. Edward and Alphonse Elric are twobrothersliving in a world where the practice of alchemyflourishes. Aftertheir mother passes away, the brothers worktogether to try andbring her back using alchemist, but withoutsuccess. Their failureresults in Edward losing his left leg andright arm, while Alphonseloses his entire body and has his soulattached to a suit of armor.Years later, they join the militaryfor the opportunity to locatethe Philosopher's Stone; the onething that is capable of restoringtheir bodies.

- Amazing animations.
- Easy and Simple to play.
- Cool skill design and effect.
- A lot of challenges and stages.

If you are not familiar with the series in general, the plot totheFull Metal Alchemist series in general is based on twobrothersnamed Edward and Alphonse. When they were young they'velost theirmother and get into Alchemy, they find a way to bring herbackthings go terribly wrong. Alphonse loses his whole body andhisspirit is in an empty armour; and Edward loses and arm and aleg.Instead Edward gets auto mail to replace the arm and leg whichhelost and becomes a State Alchemist. But throughout the seriesandstory their journey is to finding a way to get their ownbodiesback and the truth about the Philosopher's Stone.

Apart from punching and kicking, you'll be able to use Alchemywhichcan do some damage by pressing the R button and useing eitherX orCircle to use it. The L button can target lock your opponentsbutcan be a little annoying at times, another thing you'll noticeisthat you'll only be using the directional pad to move.

It would have been great if you can also use the analog stickbutit's useable at all, the more attacks and more damage you maketoyour opponents you'll be able to pull off team-up attacks whichcanalso do some major damage.
Also during gameplay if you get knocked down and if your partnerisstill fighting, they'll be able to come back and retrieve youbackup, but if you and your partner are both beaten you lose.

There are some elements as well as each fight you go through; ifyouwin or lose each fight you'll gain levels and to make yourcharctersstronger by increasing their attack, defence or eventhere specialattacks.

Camera problem will be the most annoying thing you'll encounteralot during gameplay which can be really especially ifyou'retarget-locked to an opponent and the other opponent iselsewhererunning around a lot. Another thing you'll notice thatthesoundtrack can feel really repetitive at times; it's just ashamethat it doesn't have the opening and ending theme songs addedinthe game.

Voicing however is all in Japanese but not to worry there'sEnglishText to understand what they are saying. Because you don'thave theoption to change the voicing to English if you do watchanime inEnglish in general, but hey this could be a good thing youmightlearn abit of Japanese while you're at it.

Overall: You can play up to four friends if they own a copy ofthisgame, but I think you can play this online if you'vedownloadedAd-Havoc Party from the Games Store. Beating the mainstory foreach character can take you up to an hour or more pendingon if youskip the side-missions at any time. There is bonus contentas wellfrom unlocking art for Gallery mode, alternate costumes foreachcharcters and voices.

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