Global future laboratory 1.0 APK

When watching news about the changingclimate,population growth, pollution
and living conditions, you work with projections basedonassumptions about extending historic structure into the future.Thefactors considered frequently interact in a complex pattern.

Global Future laboratory is a simulation program the purposeofwhich is to take the complicity into account. It is not aimingtogive precise forecasts, but to introduce you to the complexityofthe subject and give you an opportunity to play with yourownassumptions. By means of the model you can explore yourownhypotheses about interrelationships and required actions. Itisbuilt on the same basic assumptions as the simpler GlobalFutureIntroduction app, but contains more variables andrelationships,represents a more realistic picture of reality andinvites you toexplore your personal assumptions in detail. Theunderlying modelimplies a basic structure you can read more aboutin an includedsection. There is also a separate text sectionincludingpredesigned experiments discussing alternative scenariosandresults computed.

Even though the backbone of the app is a mathematical model,theuse of the app require little mathematical knowledge.

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