Graffiti design ideas 1.0 APK

Graffiti is not an art that is limitedtostreets only, with the time it has evolved as the professionalartform with some great feedback from the customers. Graffiti isakind of an art form which is a medium of people to expresstheirfeelings and regressions through colors and paints. It couldbe onwalls or any other public property. Some people consider it asthenuisance and a serious form of vandalism. But graffiti leavesalong lasting impact on the mind of the viewer. Graffiti designsareusually very loud, vibrant and engaging. They are meant todepictthe mind and thought of the creator.
Graffiti is still considered as the negative part of thecreativityas its creators often use public property as the space orcanvasfor their designs. So, people don't consider it as therespectedform of art. But Graffiti is the depiction of the urbanyouth andtheir thought process. It displays their discontentmentwithpresent social norms and scenario. Graffiti is generallyinnocuous,lively and prolific paintings that often brightens upwalls andbuildings. Graffiti has enormous forms and styles but themorepopular forms are tagging and Hip Hop.

Hip hop graffiti is created with the aerosol spray paints.Itcomprises of cartoon sketch or complex mix of letters. Todesignhip hop graffiti is usually a long process as it needs lotofdesigning and planning.

Tagging graffiti is the most common form to beacquainted.Tagging is the racial form of graffiti and is quiteuncomplicated,and not very flashy. Hence it doesn't require muchtime to create,and does not occupy a lot of space either. It isusually raciallymotivated or politically inspired.

But with all negativity to its side, Graffiti ifdirectedpositively can earn remarkable results for the society.Like ifinstead of ignoring and opposing the graffiti creators, wetry tounderstand their point of view and try to spread theirmessage tothe society in some more creative and non damaging way.You can seemany street graffiti designers have turned themselvesand evolvedthemselves as the professional in graffiti art. Andpeople also hasbroaden up their mind and accepting this form of artby painting ontheir home walls, vehicles, doors, clothes, hats etc.This showthat society is trying to respect and accept this form ofart whichwas once called vandalism.

These days you will find reputed companies endorsing graffitiartform with certified professionals solely devoted to theirwork.Companies hire individual tattoo artist, product designingpeople,fashion designing etc. The professionalism andinnovativeness isworth applaud and praise. This helped the artistto inculcatepositive feedback from the increasing number ofcustomers. Theyoffer people with best of their designs and also askfor their ownindividual designs in order to paint their homes,offices orclothes etc.

so, if you want your walls to speak and display yourthoughts,hire a professional graffiti artist. He would support yourightfrom the beginning by asking your requirements and giving hisownsuggestions till the final design and satisfaction from you.Ifsomehow you want any further change in your designs, theseartistswould never say no.

The term Graffiti is borrowed from the Greek word Graphein,whichmeans writing or scribbling. It uses the Latin meaning"graffiti" torefer to a cultural and artistic movement. Inaddition to theideological artistic expression of graffiti, itsexpression can alsodenote ownership. The artist can sign his work,called tagging, andowns up to his 'art-work' most commonly usingsymbols.

Graffiti in Fashion

The beginning of a statement on a wall, In the 1960s, twoyoungmen, "Cornbread" and "Cool Earl" began an unstoppable trend,inPhiladelphia. They started writing their names in publicplaceshoping to attract girls. Soon this began to attractpublicattention and the press and gaining popularity in othercities.

by riskayuventus

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