Growth Standards 1.0 APK

The most complete WHO Growth Standardsapplication on the Store, now even easier and simple to use thanbefore!

Essential for neonatologists and pediatricians, but also idealfor parents who wants to check their children's growth!

Only three steps needed: select the date of birth, enter thedesired data, choose male or female and done!

Get the results in percentile or z-scores and forget about thosetedious graphs!

Get the WHO growth standards patterns for childs between 0 and 5years old: Height / Length for age, Weight for age, Weight forHeight, BMI for age, Head Circumference for age, Arm Circumferencefor age, Subscapular Skinfold and Triceps Skinfold for age. AndHeight for age, Weight for age and BMI for age for patients between5 to 19 years old.

We also included the six Gross Motor Development Milestones, ina simple and easy way: Sitting without support, Standing withassistance, Hands-and-knees crawling, Walking with assistance,Standing alone and Walking alone.

Notes: The arm circumference, subscapular skinfold and tricepsskinfold are available only for patients older than 3 months,according to tables published by WHO.
BMI Z-Score rating from 5 to 19 years old according to the WHOspecification (see Info screen).

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