HAC2015 2.0 APK

The focus of the scientific programme of the Hospital AuthorityConvention 2015 will be the four Hospital Authority's core values,viz.“People-centred Care”, “Professional Service”, “CommittedStaff” and “Teamwork”. Aiming to promote the sharing of knowledgeand experience on clinical advances and approaches to modernhealthcare service, the Convention facilitates exploration anddiscussion of contemporary concepts among healthcare professionalsand stakeholders.

The Hospital Authority Convention 2015 will feature some 90distinguished overseas and local speakers to share their knowledgeand insights and interact with delegates at over 45 sessions. ThePlenary Sessions and Symposiums will focus on the HospitalAuthority’s core values while the Special Topic Sessions willinclude topics on “Rehabilitation Services”, “Elderly Care”,“Empowerment”, “New Clinical Practices” and “China Healthcare”.There will also be Masterclasses and Parallel Sessions on variousclinical topics, such as “Personalised Medicine”, “PalliativeCare”, “Pain Management” and “Prevention and Control of AIDS”.

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