Halal Food Guide 1.0.2 APK

Halal Food Guide is a complete reference aboutall you need to know about Halal Food and its contents. Halal FoodGuide provides valuable information on sources of food ingredientsto make better-informed dietary choices. Halal Food Guide was bornout of frustration with reading through all the long-worded hard topronounce time-consuming ingredients that so many of us strugglewith every day.

- Complete book in English
- Easy and quick index navigation
- No internet or online connection required for reading
- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tablets

Topics to learn.

- Information about Halal & Haram
- Halal and Haram Food Ingredients
- Halal & Haram eCodes
- Mushbooh (suspected or doubtful)
- Verses from Quran related to Halal

App Information