Hammers, Swords & Steel 1.4 APK

HSS is the first MMO RT TBS (Real TimeTurnBased Strategy) game. Like a lot of TBS games, the goal istoconquer the world. This game could be considered as a mixofTravian and Civilization. Every player plays their turns atthesame time. You have (2) hours hours to make all your movesbeforethe next turn. Since everybody makes their moves at the sametime,you need to hurry as soon as the turn starts or someone maytakeyour place :)...

Features in the game
- 8 different units and much more coming soon - from swordsmantojet fighters
- Gigantic world (currently 400x400 tiles).
- 2 hour turns so you can take your time to play
- 1 nice sound effect
- Messaging system where you can contact your friends&enemies
- Ranking feature where you can see how your leaders compare
- A registering process so your account in always backed-up.
- In-game instructions to help you understand the game

Note that this game is in a "beta" version and maintained byateam of 3 persons AND ITS FREE so be kind with your comments.Sinceits in "beta" mode, any comments and/or suggestions aregreatlyappreciated. Bugs can happen so please don't get mad at usif yousee strange things happening. And finally, of course it willbe apleasure for us to help you if anything happens.

If you have any comments/suggestions please contact usathss@fighttime.net

Thank you!

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