Happy Navi (OsmAnd) - Free 2.2.0 APK

With Happy Navi you will arrive atyourdestination more relaxed than before!

This app will help you to navigate to your destination withlessstress than before. The OsmAnd-based next-generationnavigationchooses routes which contain as little stressful andtiring roadsections as possible. Using a crowdsourcing approach,you can helpto improve future navigation by telling us how you feelon thego.

In order to determine the perceived quality of your rideoncertain road sections, your cooperation is appreciated! Eachtimeyou stop your car you can evaluate the last traveledroadsections.
With each review you help to improve the route calculationforfuture trips!

About this App

Happy Navi is a research project oftheHuman-Computer-Interaction Group (www.hcilab.org) attheUniversity of Stuttgart . It is based on OsmAnd 2.2.0 [1] ,anopen-source navigation app.

When you decide to contribute to our system bysubmittingreviews, your anonymised data is transmitted to ourserver over asecure connection. Using this data helps us to improvenavigationand route calculation. The collected data is ONLY usedfor researchpurposes and to provide a better navigation to ourusers. It isassured that there will be no attempt to misuse thedata oridentify any user. You can also decide that the datatransmissionis being done only if a wifi connection isavailable.

This version is the free version with limited downloadsformaps. For the full version visit http://maps.hci.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de/info

If you launch Happy Navi (OsmAnd) for the first time itisrecommended to be connected to a Wi-Fi network to downloadtherequired map data and voice files!

Thank you for your interest in Happy Navi (Osmand) andforsupporting our research! If you like this app please considertosupport OsmAnd by buying OsmAnd+


We are very happy if you have feedback, questions, ideasforimprovements for us and/or report problems. Please send us amailto hcilab@gmail.com.Thankyou!

[1] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.osmand

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