Headband Design Ideas 1.0 APK

Headbands are every little girl's favoritehairaccessory.
A headband goes with any type of attire, like formal,casual,semi-formal, dresses, pants, etc. You can either carry outado-it-yourself project or simply tie a ribbon around your hairtomake it look pretty. Anything that can hold your hair backfromyour forehead can prove as a headband, so women usually comeupwith many creative ways to do this. There are some which areevenwoven or made with crochet and an elastic for a better grip onthehead. Other type includes soft headbands which are made usuallyforbaby girls to make them look adorable, often matchingtheiroutfits.

All you have to do is use a stretchy lace with a decorativetop,like a bow or a flower. These ribbons can be made intoartificialflowers as well as bows, which are easy to make and stuckorstitched, to the stretchy lace. These laces come in a varietyofcolors and designs so that you can co-ordinate the look ofyourheadband with the designs used on top of them. Differentwaysinvolve various material and cloth of your choice.
Things You Will Need
Colored ready-made flowers or ribbon pearls
Hot Glue
Headband with Ribbons
To begin with, measure the lace around your head to find outthelength of the band.
With colored threads, co-ordinate with flowers and pearls andstitchthem to the central portion.
If you think stitching will be a problem, you can stick thesewiththe help of a hot glue.
Once they are fixed, attach the two loose ends of the lace toclosethe headband. You can adjust it round the head first andthenstitch the two ends, making it sure that the band fits and isnottoo tight.
Headband with Flowers and Bows
You can follow the same procedure to make these types ofheadbandsas well. You can follow some instructions to make ribbonflowers tomake these tiny roses.
These flowers can be either attached to an elastic headband, aclothheadband or even a ribbon headband. You have to colorco-ordinatethese flowers with the bands you want to attach themon.
Bows are more preferred to flower headbands and thus, making themiseasier.
Also, bows can be made as a single piece, or a bunch of manybyusing different colored ribbons. Thus, this is another greatdesignto make these wonderful looking attractive hair accessorieswhichcan be used along with various clothes.
Using the various types of knots which are present, you can comeupwith other designs. Simply tying a ribbon around the head,alsomakes the headband look very natural and attractive.
You can surely come up with something more creative andbeautifulpatterns. They are a fun and hip way of styling your hair,so usethem whenever you can, and make the most out of thecurrenttrend!

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