Hijab Tutorials For Fashion 1.0 APK

Hijab tutorials for women latest fashion. Inthis application, you get some ideas for step by step tutorial inwearing hijab. There also many photos, so you can wear it infashionable and easy ways.

It is usually the scarf or veil that a woman adores on her head,neck and chest. Not only it identifies a woman as Muslim but alsoprotects her from sexual harassment.

Traditionally, hijab style is similar to wearing a pashminashawl. It usually consists of an under-scarf and a scarf. There arevarieties of fabrics, colors and prints that are used to complementhijab fashion, and it is worn with different methods of wrapping.While looking for a hijab you can go for underscarves thatcomplement the outer veil. It is your liking for colors and printthat is reflected in the scarves. In hijab fashion, the colors ofthe scarves are also determined by seasons or the occasion. Manyhijabs are adorned with pins to hold fabric in place. In order todrape the fabric, you can use a plain scarf and fold it over insuch a way that the scarf points downward on your back. It shouldnot be folded in half; rather it should be folded in aboutone-third. Now it should be wrapped evenly over your head andpinned together under chin. Then pull it from one side over andacross your opposite side. Pull it now gently over your back-head.Use a pin to hold it in place at the crown of your head. The frontcorner should be pulled up to your left shoulder and hold in placewith the help of a pin. For those who prefer patterned fabric, theyshould pin one front side to the shoulder when the scarf is drapedover the head. Thereafter the other side of the scarf should bepulled up to your opposite cheek. Using a decorative pin, it shouldbe clipped in place.

Although girls belonging to religious families seem tocomprehend the importance of wearing hijabs in Islam, certain womenfeel the need to experiment and research on their own accord tocome to the conclusion about its importance. This leads to testingand trying a number of outfit variations before settling forsomething that they feel confident about. Many young girls whoalready wear hijabs at the time of entering college also getinfluenced by the stylish ones on display around campus.

This is the most important factor behind finding hip and trendyIslamic clothing stores conveniently located near university andcollege campuses and in particular around university towns withlarge number of Muslim students. These boutiques feature funky,fashionable and distinctive styles in all clothing items includinghijabs and abayas. This allows the young women to figure out whatthey prefer to wear the most.
Colors and styles are another important element which the youngwomen take into account when selecting their signature hijabs.Different colors have different effects on the varying skin tonesand face cuts.

Similarly different styles in which hijabs are worn alsocontribute a great deal to the overall appearance of the person.For certain women, a square scarf wrapped around the head looks themost elegant, whereas for others, a rectangular one with one endloosely draped across the forehead adds a touch of gracefulness.Therefore it is important to try out different styles and colorsbefore selecting a few that compliment your eye colour, complexionand facial structure the most.

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