History of Canada 2 APK

The history of Canada covers the period fromthe arrival of Paleo-Indians thousands of years ago to the presentday. Prior to European colonization, the lands encompassingpresent-day Canada were inhabited for millennia by Aboriginalpeoples, with distinct trade networks, spiritual beliefs, andstyles of social organization. Some of these civilizations had longfaded by the time of the first European arrivals and have beendiscovered through archaeological investigations.

Starting in the late 15th century, French and British expeditionsexplored, colonized, and fought over various places within NorthAmerica in what constitutes present day Canada. The colony of NewFrance was established in 1534 and was ceded to the United Kingdomin 1763 after the French defeat in the Seven Years' War. The nowBritish Province of Quebec was divided into Upper and Lower Canadain 1791 and reunified in 1841. In 1867, the Province of Canada wasjoined with two other British colonies of New Brunswick and NovaScotia through Confederation, forming a self-governing entity namedCanada. The new dominion expanded by incorporating other parts ofBritish North America, finishing with Newfoundland and Labrador in1949.
Although responsible government had existed in Canada since 1848,Britain continued to set its foreign and defence policies after theend of the First World War. With the passing of the Statute ofWestminster in 1931, Canada became co-equal with the UnitedKingdom. After the Constitution was repatriated in 1982, the finalvestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament wereremoved. Canada currently consists of ten provinces and threeterritories and is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutionalmonarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.

Over centuries, elements of Aboriginal, French, British and morerecent immigrant customs have combined to form a Canadian culturethat has also been strongly influenced by its linguistic,geographic and economic neighbour, the United States. Since theconclusion of the Second World War, Canadians have supportedmultilateralism abroad and socioeconomic developmentdomestically.

Le Canada est une monarchie constitutionnelle d'environ 35 millionsd'habitants qui occupe la partie septentrionale du sous-continentnord-américain ; c'est le deuxième plus grand pays du monde ensuperficie, après la Russie. Habité depuis des millénaires par lesAmérindiens (peuples autochtones), le Canada a évolué à partir d'ungroupe de colonies européennes en une monarchie officiellementbilingue (anglais et français) et multiculturelle, Les Français,arrivés en 1534, ont commencé à coloniser les rives du St-Laurenten 1603, sur un territoire qu'ils ont nommés le Canada. Les Anglaisont envahi le Canada en 1759 et l'ont renommé Province of Québec.La victoire anglaise fut de courte durée, la défaite des Anglaiscontre la France et les États-Unis à Yorktown en 1781 fut le débutde la monarchie anglaise et du Canada dominé par les Anglais.Depuis 1982, le Canada a une constitution qui a été rejetée par leparlement du Québec, bien que la Province du Québec y soit soumisen vertu des lois constitutionelles régissant le Canada.

يبدأ تاريخ كندا بداية من وصول الهنود القدامى منذ آلاف السنين إلىهناك وحتى وقتنا هذا. فقد سكن كندا مجموعة من سكانها الأصليين الذيننشأت بينهم شبكات تجارية ومعتقدات دينية وتسلسل هرمي اجتماعي. وخاضتبعض هذه الحضارات مواجهات طويلة الأمد عند وصول الأوروبيين الأوائلواكتشافها من خلال
التحقيقات الأثرية. أبرمت وسُنت عديد من المعاهدات والقوانين بينالمستوطنين الأوروبيين والسكان الأصليين.
وعلى مدار قرون، اندمجت عادات السكان الأصليين والفرنسيينوالبريطانيين إضافة إلى عادات المهاجرين معًا لتصنع الثقافة الكندية.تأثرت الثقافة الكندية شديد التأثر بجارتها اللغوية والجغرافيةوالاقتصادية، الولايات المتحدة. ومنذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية،دعم الكنديون تعددية الأطراف في الخارج والتطور الاجتماعي الاقتصاديفي الداخل. .
The history of Canadacovers the period from the arrival of Paleo-Indians Thousands ofyears ago to the present day. Prior to European colonization, thelands encompassing present-day Canada Were inhabited for millenniaby Aboriginal peoples, with distinct trade networks, spiritualbeliefs, and styles of social organization. Some of Thesecivilizations HAD long faded by the time of the first Europeanarrivals and-have-been Discovered through archaeologicalinvestigations.

Starting in the late 15th century, French and British expeditionsExplored, colonized, and Fought over various places Within NorthAmerica in what deriving their present day Canada. The colony ofNew France Was Established in 1534 and Was ceded to the UnitedKingdom in 1763 partner after the French defeat in the Seven Years'War. The British Province of Quebec now Was divided into Upper andLower Canada in 1791 and reunified in 1841. In 1867, the Provinceof Canada joined with two --other Was British colonies of NewBrunswick and Nova Scotia through Confederation, forming aself-governing entity named Canada. The new Dominion expanded byIncorporating --other parts of British North America, finishingwith Newfoundland and Labrador in 1949.
ALTHOUGH responsible government HAD Existed in Canada since 1848.Britain continued to set ict foreign and defense policies partnerafter the end of the First World War. With the passing of theStatute of Westminster in 1931, Canada est devenu co-equal with theUnited Kingdom. After the Constitution Was repatriated in 1982, thefinal vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament Wereremoved. Canada Currently Consists of ten provinces and threeterritories and is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutionalmonarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state icts.

Over centuries, elements of Aboriginal, French, British and morerecent immigrant customs-have combined to form a Canadian CultureThat HAS aussi beens Strongly Influenced by ict linguistic,geographic and economic neighbor, the United States. Since theconclusions of the Second World War, Canadians abroad-havesupported multilateralism and socioeconomic developmentDomestically.

Canada is a constitutional monarchy with about 35 millioninhabitants which occupies the northern part of the North Americansubcontinent; it is the second largest country in the world byarea, after Russia. Inhabited for thousands of years by NativeAmericans (Indigenous Peoples), Canada has evolved from a group ofEuropean colonies in a monarchy officially bilingual (English andFrench) and multicultural, the French arrived in 1534, began tocolonize shores of the St. Lawrence in 1603, on a territory whichthey called Canada. The English invaded Canada in 1759 and renamedthe Province of Quebec. The English victory was short-lived, thedefeat of the English against France and the United States atYorktown in 1781 was the beginning of the English monarchy andCanada dominated by the English. Since 1982, Canada has aconstitution that was rejected by the Parliament of Quebec,although Quebec will be submitted under on Constitutional lawsgoverning Canada.

يبدأ تاريخ كندا بداية من وصول الهنود القدامى منذ آلاف السنين إلىهناك وحتى وقتنا هذا. فقد سكن كندا مجموعة من سكانها الأصليين الذيننشأت بينهم شبكات تجارية ومعتقدات دينية وتسلسل هرمي اجتماعي. وخاضتبعض هذه الحضارات مواجهات طويلة الأمد عند وصول الأوروبيين الأوائلواكتشافها من خلال
التحقيقات الأثرية. أبرمت وسنت عديد من المعاهدات والقوانين بينالمستوطنين الأوروبيين والسكان الأصليين.
وعلى مدار قرون, اندمجت عادات السكان الأصليين والفرنسيينوالبريطانيين إضافة إلى عادات المهاجرين معا لتصنع الثقافة الكندية.تأثرت الثقافة الكندية شديد التأثر بجارتها اللغوية والجغرافيةوالاقتصادية, الولايات المتحدة. ومنذ انتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية,دعم الكنديون تعددية الأطراف في الخارج والتطور الاجتماعي الاقتصاديفي الداخل. .

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