History Of Vietnam 1.0 APK

History Of Vietnam is an applicationthatcontains a variety of information about the annals or chronicleofthe world. A lot of information such as ancient country orcity,biography of famous people and the battle of war story isincludedhere.

The history of Vietnam can be traced back to around 25,000yearsago.[1] Archaeological findings from 1965, still underresearch,show the remains of two hominins closely related toSinanthropus,dating as far back as the Middle Pleistocene era,roughly half amillion years ago. Ancient Vietnam was home to someof the world'searliest civilizations and societies—making them oneof the world'sfirst people who practiced agriculture.[2][3] The RedRiver valleyformed a natural geographic and economic unit, boundedto the northand west by mountains and jungles, to the east by thesea and tothe south by the Red River Delta. The need to have asingleauthority to prevent floods of the Red River, to cooperateinconstructing hydraulic systems, trade exchange, and tofightinvaders, led to the creation of the first Vietnamesestatesapproximately 2879 BC.[4][5][6] Another truly influentialpart ofhistory in Vietnam occurred during the late Bronze Age, whentheĐông Sơn culture dramatically advanced the civilization.Vietnam'speculiar geography made it a difficult country to attack,which iswhy Vietnam under the Hùng kings was for so long anindependent andself-contained state. The Xích Tỵs and Qins wereamong the earliestforeign aggressors of Vietnam, but the ancientVietnamese managedto regain control of the country soon after theinvasions.

Once Vietnam did succumb to foreign rule, however, itprovedunable to escape from it, and for 1,100 years, Vietnam hadbeensuccessively governed by a series of Chinese dynasties: theHan,Eastern Wu, Jin, Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang, Sui, Tang,andSouthern Han; leading to the loss of native culturalheritage,language, and much of national identity. At certainperiods duringthese 1,100 years, Vietnam was independently governedunder theTriệus, Trưng Sisters, Early Lýs, Khúcs and DươngĐìnhNghệ—although their triumphs and reigns were brief.

During the foreign domination of North Vietnam,severalcivilizations flourished in what is today central andsouthVietnam, particularly the Funanese and Cham. The foundersandrulers of these governments, however, were not native toVietnam.From the 10th century onwards, the Vietnamese, emerging intheirheartland of the Red River Delta, began to conquerthesecivilizations.

When Ngô Quyền (King of Vietnam, 939–944) restoringsovereignpower in the country, the next millennium was advanced bytheaccomplishments of successive dynasties: Ngôs, Đinhs, EarlyLês,Lýs, Trầns, Hồs, Later Trầns, Later Lês, Mạcs, Trịnhs, Nguyễns,TâySơns and again Nguyễns. At various points during theimperialdynasties, Vietnam was ravaged and divided by civil warsandwitnessed interventions by the Songs, Mongol Yuans, Chams,Mings,Dutch, Manchus, French, and the Americans. The MingEmpireconquered the Red River valley for a while before nativeVietnameseregained control and the French Empire reduced Vietnam toa Frenchdependency for nearly a century, followed by an occupationby theJapanese Empire. Political upheaval and Communistinsurrection putan end to the monarchy after World War II, and thecountry wasproclaimed a republic.

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