HMT Pink Wallpaper+ 2.8.02 APK

New BETA Feature: Super Duper does not have tobe the "default SMS app"
Now Android KitKat compatible! Using Super Duper Messaging Manager

*Hide text messages/SMS messages for Unlimited contacts
*Hide call logs for unlimited contacts
*Block text messages/SMS and Block calls
*Decoy Icon, with 2 other Pink Wallpaper decoy icon choices
*Change Status bar icon and descriptions
*Requires a password to get into the app for privacy
*You MUST read directions at download!!!!
*Export messages to secured location
*Choose your own text message thread colors
*Pink Wallpaper icon, Pink Wallpaper screens and status barnotification
*See failed attempts to get into app in the “Log File”
*Change contacts/password/home screen shortcut anytime
*Looks like a Pink Wallpaper app that has a “SubscriptionError”

Keep your text messages and your call logs private. Block textmessages and calls from anyone! Secure your text messages fromanyone and everyone with a password protected decoy app. And it's aPink theme!!

Hide texts messages for unlimited contacts safely with apassword protected decoy “Pink Wallpaper” app. Once you downloadthis app it will place a “Pink Wallpaper” icon in your app drawer.The app appears to have errors to anyone else that looks at it.Text from selected contacts will be in this app only and will notbe put in your “regular” text messages. Text messages in our appare completely separate and secure. When text messages arereceived, you get a notification in the status bar that says,“Subscription notice,” which goes with the decoy theme of the apphaving a “subscription error.” Only you will know it’s anotification for a text message.

You can switch contacts when needed. Don’t worry - once the numberis deleted or switched it will not put prior hidden text messagesin your “regular” text messaging box. Does not transfer existingtext messages – the two areas are completely separate! Does notsupport MMS…

The hide call log feature allows you to add the contact and allincoming, outgoing and missed calls will be deleted from yourregular call logs. You must place the outgoing call from inside theapp and you have the choice of saving your call logs inside theapp!!!

The Block text messaging feature will allow you to blockincoming text messages. You have the option to save the blockedtext messages so you can read them after you “unblock” the contact.Or we can discard the text messages as they come in. You can stillsend text messages to the contact while they are blocked. We haveadded the “Call Blocker” feature for that contact that is really apain. We also give you the choice to save the call log for theseblocked calls or we can discard them as they come in for you.

It does not remove or change your “regular” text message icon inthe app drawer. This is not a “Pink Wallpaper” application! It is adecoy wallpaper application that allows you to hide or block yourtext messages with password protection.

Aggregated device data, including location, is measured for thepurposes of market research by Placed, Inc.

Placed, Inc. - Terms of Use:
Placed, Inc. - Privacy Policy:

*Hide SMS messages / block SMS messages from unlimitedcontacts
*Hide incoming/outgoing phone call logs for unlimitedcontacts
*Select from your contact list or put in other contacts
*Choose your own SMS color theme
*Three icon options to put on your home screen
*Change Status bar notifications and descriptions
*Block unwanted text messages from a contact
*Block Calls from a contact
*Ability to select your notifications
*Looks like a pink wallpaper app that requires a subscriptionpassword
*Logs failed attempts to get into the app, just in case you werewondering
*Displays in your “Applications” list as “Pink Wallpaper”

App Information