Home Workouts When Pregnancy 1.0 APK

There are lots of good reasons to keepactivewhen you're pregnant.
Exercise improves your muscle tone, strength and endurance,whichmay make it easier for you to adapt to the changes thatpregnancybrings.
Which exercises are best in pregnancy?
The ideal exercise in pregnancy will get your heart pumping andkeepyou supple, without causing physical stress. Many activities,suchas running and weight training, are fine in the beginning, butyoumay need to modify your workout as you grow bigger.
You'll really feel the benefit if you do a combination of:

Aerobic exercise, which works your heart and lungs.
Muscle-strengthening exercise, which improves yourstrength,flexibility and posture.

To get the full benefits, you'll need to exercise at leastthreetimes a week, ideally more. Try to find something that youenjoy,as you'll be more likely to stick to it in the longerterm.
Build activity into your daily life, too. For example, takingthestairs instead of the lift, and doing housework orgardening,counts as exercise.

Brisk walking keeps you fit without jarring your kneesandankles, and gives your heart a workout. It is safethroughoutpregnancy, and can be built into your daily routine. Aimto walkfor at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week. So walk totheshops rather than drive, take the bus only part of the way, ordo abrisk few laps of the park or pavements in your lunch hour.

Running is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to workyourheart and body, and you can vary the distance as your energylevelsallow.
However, if running is new to you, pregnancy is probably notthetime to start. It’s best to stick to more gentle exercise, suchaswalking or swimming.

Swimming is an ideal, and safe, form of exercise in pregnancy.Itexercises your arms and legs, and works your heart and lungs.Thebigger your bump gets, the more you’ll enjoy feeling weightlessinthe water.
If you enjoy group activity, you could join an aquanatal classoraqua aerobics class. Exercising while standing in water isgentleon your joints and supports your bump. It can help to easebackpain and swelling in your legs in late pregnancy.

Pregnancy yoga helps to maintain muscle tone and flexibilityandimprove your posture. It’s kinder to your joints than morevigoroustypes of exercise. However, you should also do someaerobicactivity, such as brisk walking, a few times a week, to giveyourheart a workout.

Stretching helps to keep you supple, though don't overdoit.Think about gently opening and extending your body, ratherthanpushing yourself. Your yoga teacher will show you how to relaxyourbody and mind.

Your pilates teacher will guide you on your posture, makingyouaware of how you hold your body. She’ll take you through aseriesof positions and movements that will strengthen your coremuscles.You’ll learn how to time your breathing with the exercises,and howto relax.

Weight training:
If weight training is already part of your exercise routine,there’sno reason to stop now that you're pregnant. As long asyou'recareful, using light weights will tone and strengthenyourmuscles.

Going along to a weekly aerobics class gives you a regular timetoexercise. It's safe, as long as you keep the exercises lowimpact,to protect your joints. If you sign up for an antenatalclass

Try not to leap, jump, twirl or change direction suddenly, asyoumay lose your balance. If you join an antenatal dance class,youcan lose yourself in music, while keeping fit under theinstructionof a qualified teacher, who can adapt the moves to yourstage ofpregnancy.

Pelvic floor exercises:

Last, but definitely not least, exercise your pelvic floor!Ifyou have weak pelvic floor muscles, you may leak small amountsofwee when you exercise, cough or sneeze (stress incontinence).Youcan prevent this from happening by doing pelvic floorexercisesevery day.

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